Products Information

To the best of our ability, the product description is accurate. Depending on your screen resolution, colours and patterns you see on your screen may be lighter or darker when you receive the actual product.

We source independent Australian suppliers to support the Australian economy and provide low-cost opportunities to startups.  Some of our suppliers are from overseas which help fill in the gaps while we build up our database. If you would like to sell your masks on our site, please get in touch for more information.

Delivery Information

All of our orders have a guaranteed 60 day delivery time from the day they are processed. In most cases, the delivery will arrive sooner. All products are shipped directly from the supplier.

Our Returns Policy

In most cases, we allow returns but there may be additional shipping costs. The grounds for a return are if the product is not as described or of low quality, but to date, this has not occurred. If you would like to return a product please get in touch and we’ll address your situation with the suppliers.