Should I Wear A Mask?

There’s a debate going on. But while the experts argue backwards and forwards and the rest of us need to get on with our lives, we’ve put this page together to give you some straightforward answer with links to useful information so you can judge for yourself whether a mask is right for you and your family.

Some Experts Say No!


People don’t wear their mask properly.
Even improperly worn mask will stop you from touching your face.

The virus is so small it’ll pass through all but the best masks. 
Large droplets from coughs and sneezes don’t pass through – reducing risk.

It isn’t the done thing.
Aussies are sensible, they learn pretty fast too, those of us switched on to reducing transmission with a mask are the smart ones, the rest will catch up. Be a trend setter with a nice Fashionable Mask from our shop.

Some Experts Say Yes!


Operate as if you’re infected to protect everyone else.
Protect everyone you meet and encounter by ensuring you minimise droplets you leave behind.

Countries around the world have huge success, this indicates that Masks work.
Not just Asian countries where masks are often the norm, the Czech Republic in Eastern Europe indicates the benefit of masks.

If you get exposed the amount of virus that can enter is smaller with a mask.
We explain this further below.

Now for some details…

We’ve collated some useful articles, some interesting (and funny) graphics and videos and have listed them all below. If you find something else you’d like us to include contact us

#Masks4All on Instagram

Could not scrape from Instagram (scraping is a deprecated method to retrieve images).

Top Sellers

Some of our top selling Masks in Australia. Yes, these comes from China, but we’re keen as so see people make them here in Australia. Get in touch if you want to be one of our suppliers.

Out of stock
Original price was: $22.43.Current price is: $11.21.
Original price was: $14.92.Current price is: $7.98.
Original price was: $17.59.Current price is: $8.92.
Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $9.15.

Peak Prosperity on YouTube

Chris Martenson has been drawing attention to countries that are working hard to tackle COVID-19 like the Czech Republic, Taiwan and others for weeks.

Watch this video from the end of March where he discusses the key reasons why everyone should wear a mask… (graphic below too)

Shop now

Masks worked back in 1918 and we believe it’ll work today in 2020 for the same three reasons.

  1. Stop symptomatic & asymptomatic spreaders.
  2. To help us not touch our faces (mouth, nose and eyes), and
  3. Reduce the volume or virus transmitted to ‘small doses’

The video from Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity (above) is very clear about  this. We recommend watching at the part we’ve bookmarked.


Public domain image from

Nurses in 1918

The average person in 2020 can easily match the mask wearing that nurses had in 1918.

All it takes is the time to learn how to use your mask properly.

Public domain image from

@FashionMasksAustralia on Instagram

Could not scrape from Instagram (scraping is a deprecated method to retrieve images).

Sources & References

Some of these have been used in the preparation of this page, some links are just useful resources if you want to learn more about wearing a mask in 2020 to prevent infection from CoronaVirus Sars-Cov-2